Sunday, January 14, 2018

Another Life Update

Hello, everyone! Once again, apologies for my long absence. I recently returned to work after my three-months long maternity leave (which, by the way, is not nearly long enough and I miss my baby girl constantly), and needless to say, it's been quite an adjustment having two kids, a full-time job, maintaining a household, and wanting time for both myself and my husband. However, I'm slowly getting back into the groove of things, which means I'm making attempts once again to blog more consistently. It's easy to let these things go when everyday life gets in the way, but my closest friends and family have been encouraging me to get back to blogging as they know how much happiness it brings me. So with the support of some amazing people in my life (and you know who you are) I am making efforts to get back to doing something I love so much. So here's to a new year, one that will hopefully bring exciting new changes to my life, a fresh start to this blog - and of course, more Orla Kiely :)

Thank you for always sticking around,

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